Why Employee Satisfaction Is Important

If a company has happy employees that have no desire to look for other job opportunities, this is likely due to promoting a positive experience at work. The importance of job satisfaction directly correlates with employee satisfaction and retention. It’s essential to create a healthy and productive workplace with a positive company culture where employees feel valued.  

When it comes to employee satisfaction metrics, 45% of U.S. workers described themselves to be either satisfied or extremely satisfied with their current jobs. This means the majority of workers in America do not have the most positive experience at work. Ensure your company fosters happy employees by focusing on the importance of job satisfaction. 

Let’s start with learning more about what employee satisfaction is and the importance of job satisfaction. Then we’ll go over how to measure employee satisfaction and how to increase employee satisfaction and retention at your company.  

What is Employee Satisfaction? 

Within the workforce, employee satisfaction describes how satisfied or content employees are with their current position at their company. This can include employee satisfaction metrics such as how satisfied they are with the company they work for, their management team, and their overall employee experience, including pay and other benefits. The goal should be to have happy employees that report having a positive experience at work. Measuring levels of employee satisfaction and retention within an organization can better understand where they can improve employee satisfaction metrics. 

How to Measure Employee Satisfaction 

Does your company know how to measure employee satisfaction? Keeping track of this is integral to ensuring employee satisfaction and retention. To make sure your employee satisfaction metrics are showing an overwhelming majority of happy employees, you have to gauge where you are in the process. You can do this by conducting employee satisfaction surveys and having one-on-one meetings with your employees. Gather the employee satisfaction metrics data necessary to create a plan to move forward with improving those numbers.  

What is the Difference Between Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction? 

Although employee engagement is often used interchangeably with employee satisfaction, they are not the same. So, what is the difference between employee engagement and job satisfaction? Employee satisfaction is important for employee retention, it doesn’t tell us anything about their actual performance at a job. Employee engagement refers to how well the employee performs at work based on their passion for the work, among other factors. The importance of job satisfaction is correlated with employee engagement since happy employees boost their engagement levels at work.   

The Importance of Job Satisfaction 

It’s essential that companies focus on the importance of job satisfaction for happy employees, not only for the employees’ sake but for the benefit of the company. When an organization strives to make employee satisfaction a priority, they can see the results paying off with: 

  • Higher employee retention rates 
  • Boosted levels of employee engagement 
  • Increased company productivity 
  • Reduced recruitment costs  
  • Positive company culture 
  • Employee loyalty to the company 

The good news is that the factors that influence job satisfaction are things a business has the power to control. Keep reading to see what those ways are to improve employee satisfaction and retention.  

How to Improve Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Now that we know the importance of job satisfaction in promoting a positive experience at work. Happy employees mean increased employee satisfaction and retention! Let’s talk about some of the most common ways that companies can work to ensure employee satisfaction. 

Employee Recognition 

Acknowledging your employee’s hard work helps boost their job satisfaction and engagement. You want your team to feel appreciated, especially since 46% of US workers leave their jobs because of a lack of appreciation! Incorporating creative and fun video content can help to motivate and recognize employees to help them feel valued. With 37% of employees agreeing that recognition is the most important for their job satisfaction, it’s essential to make this a priority. 

Competitive Pay and Benefits 

Encourage open discussions with your employees about their satisfaction with their pay and benefits packages. Review these pay structures to see how you can make these options more appealing. Ensure you offer competitive pay and benefits by researching these structures to boost your company’s employee satisfaction and retention metrics. 

Create Opportunities for Growth 

Employee satisfaction and retention are affected by a clear path to furthering their careers. They need to be working toward something, whether that be a promotion or learning new skills along the way to move their way up in the company. Help them with the resources they need to grow naturally with the company and offer those opportunities for career development.  

Happy Employees Create a Positive Experience at Work


When companies understand the importance of job satisfaction, this boosts a positive experience at work for both the team members and the organization. Employee satisfaction helps to drive employee engagement and improve work culture. Everyone involved in the company benefits from increased job satisfaction across the board.  

At Reimagined Experiences, we’ve noticed the shift in recent years to remote and hybrid work coupled with record-high quit and movement rates. Employee satisfaction plays a massive role in companies being able to attract top talent and keep them engaged and connected.  

We believe in using employee-facing video content through employee learning and development, employee engagement, recruitment, onboarding, and building or improving the company to drive employee satisfaction overall. Being able to incorporate video allows for versatility between in-person and remote teams to focus on employee satisfaction and retention in an innovative way.  

Book a free discovery call with Reimagined Experiences to learn more about the importance of job satisfaction and how the use of video can help you improve it within your company.  

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